Pre Date Hygiene tips for Women


So you have a date this evening and wondering how to go about preparing your body for the same?

Well, as a girl on date, the hygiene aspects are the most important thing to be checked and rechecked even before thinking about makeup, what to wear and what hair style to do etc. So let’s get started with hygiene 

Hygiene tips for Women on Date

The following is a quick 10 point checklist (in somewhat logical order) that will ensure your female hygiene and grooming that is essential for your date.

  1. Shower: Start with a warm shower or bubble bath to get yourself refreshed and exfoliate your skin very well
  2. Shave: Shave your legs, underarms and down-there while in the shower
  3. Brush: Brush your teeth and do not forget to brush or scrape the tongue. If required, floss and use a less intensive mouthwash
  4. Trim and nails: Well, you may not have time to do manicure and pedicure but clean and keep your nails trimmed
  5. Clean your ears: It’s now Q-tips time
  6. Use Deo: Use a neutral deodorant
  7. Moisturize: Apply your moisturizing lotion liberally all over your body
  8. Put on Makeup: It’s time to put on your make up and do your hair. Opt for a hair style that you don’t do on a regular basis
  9. Wear your dress: Now, put on your cloth – Again wear something that you don’t wear often and no work wear either. It doesn’t need to be extreme party wear but something that makes sense for an evening and more importantly freshly washed. Do not forget to wear the best fitting inner-wear as well
  10. Wear a decent perfume: Finally, wear a good perfume that’s not strong

Note: If you have enough time, you may wash and condition your hair during the shower as well. A light and refreshing fragrance in the hair is always a turn on.

And do not forget to carry some feminine hygiene wipes, gums along with your essential make up stuff in your purse, just in case things get late.

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